Monday, August 27, 2007

Istanbul + IC global village

I was trying to write this post during one week, but always was something and i just couldn`t find words and structur my thoughts. But it feel like its right time now, so let it satreted...

This story about Istanbul - magic city. Huge, with 13 mln of citizens, this city lies on bouth, easter and wester parts of the world at the same time. This is the city that really worthy to see - it`s full of contrasts - mosques with churches (or modern mosque in old churche) europeans in modern clothe and moslims and arabs in black paranjas, old architecture and new high buildings, modern shops, clubs, restourants in really old-style streets. It`s all makes Istanbul so special, so different and so amazingly beautiful.

We spend there 4 days. It of course wosn`t enough to see everything, but deffenetly enough to become in love with it! I think i should write it day-by-day, to make it more clear.....

... we started our adventure from the evening of friday, when Abdel says that he and Jirka is going to Istanbul with us. That was nice surprize! But...Jirka got so f**** drunk that evening(actually, he was drinking for 24 hours that days) and he couldn`t stay and pack his stuff. It was funny and scary at the same time, coz here in tuirkey itis forbiden to come to bus and publick places drunk. I don`t now haw driver didn`t catch us, but i suppose he thought that we are just dump europeans with bad manners, coz we where lol at Jirka all the time and he was really crazy.
.....DAY 1 - Saturday- tired after whole night in the bus, but happy to start Istanbul vacation we d started to wolk throu still slippy center of Istanbul. It was very special time, coz usually you can`t see this city so quite and empty, but as far as it was very early morning, there where almost no ppl on the streets and the weather was still nightly fresh, it was very special morning and very pleasant breakfast on the ruff of one caffe in the Taksim squre in the center. Only four of us, joking, laughing, and just relaxing, i like such moments, with good ppl in a good place in a good time, and we all feel the same pleasure of being together.
Then we wolked throu Iskislar street - this is the maine street of Istanbul, and it is really interesting, you can find only bars, restourants, shops and clubs on this street, but unusual thing is that they are from first to last flour in all buildings. So we walked throu this street at the time where there were no ppl and we just enjoyed haw quite it is, and looking at still clothe shop windows. Than we droped in to the MC office which is situated in this street. We had some coffe and sleep for a while. After the lunch we meet with Aydin, we actually stayed at his home first 3 days. He was with his friend who also lives with him. Half of this day we spent in naer Ortaköy mosque under Bosphore bridge. There we accidentally met with Burda (he was intern in Frankivsk) and columbian interns. We were just sitting there on a ground, chating, drinking beer and taking pictures-nice relaxing time. Later in the evening we went to Aydins flat where we have nice turkish "something" for a dinner and Aydin cooked it by himself))) Aydin played for us on electoguitar and i just lied there and felt myself so good but so tired, After we had some short rest we went to clubs. Ectually i went with Mert, coz he was in IC premeeting in Istanbul at thet time, and Sh4eglyshka with Ayidin and columbians went to some other one. In a club we met Jirka and Abdelhak again and it was really nice place with a dance floore in the roof and wery cheep beer, that`s made uss all even more happy )))

DAY 2 - Sunday - we woke up nead 1, breackfast we had at that time when normal ppl already finished their lunch-at 3=) This day - was a day of historical places of Istanbul. At first we went to Hagia Sophia - it is a grate huge mosque, it was build in 6th century as a Churche at the beggining, but later in 14th century converted to mosque. Next place was Topkapi palace - it is the huge palace, where all Otamans leaved. we got sooo tired while we wolked arount this place, but it is really gorgeous! Also Sultan Ahmet Mosgue-huge one!
Till the end of this day we were soooo tired that we just falled a sleep and didn`t go anywere, coz i seriously couldn`t move

DAY 3 - Monday - In the morning me an Sh4eglyha moved to mc flat, as we couldn`t stay at Aydins place. When we had our late, as usual, breakfast we met some aiesecers from Brazil and Turkey in that restourant. As Sh4eglyha said, we can find out if person is from aiesec by her eyes only=) So they explained us how to get to Garnd bazar on foot. we found a map, and started our tour! I liked it very match, coz it was only me and Sh4eglyha, and that map. But we didn`t lost our way even once! Starnge thing is that we were very comfortable alone in this huge city, it was nice adventure. And it`s cool to wolk thru the city and not to take a subway or bus. This way you can stop whenever you wont and see all special and small features of this city. So we got to that bazar, and spent a lot of time there. Sellers on Grand bazar, i think, can speak all world languages. In the evening we went with MC to the same club with a cheep beer! After an hour old mc members and some alumni came, than after some time group of maybe 30-40 delegates from YouCan. So later on it became one huge aiesec party!!! After when we were going back home, Onur stoped near some street food place and forced us to eat a strange but tasty sandwiche. When we asked what is inside, ha said that it is just «Entrails... you know, such a cow's organ where shit grows... we eat it». But it was good, really, and i am not so sensetive=))
DAY 4-Tuesday-IC opening and global village! It was grate event! We met so many ppl-old friends, new ppl, aiesecers whom i sow somewhere in the aiesec for last 3 yers, old interns why was in Ukraine, new friend, all of them in one place! Amazing! I didn`t see so many Ukrainians for a two monthe, it was really nice to see them all here! I had a feeling, like i leave in this country for a long time and they just came to visit me =) Thats becouse i know about this country more then they do, so i had i feeling like experienced=)))p
I didn`t try a lot of food, but anyway this mix of sweet\bitter\papper\sour\andwhyknowswhatelse made me ill. After was opening ceremony, i sow PAI for the first time :p After we took our bus back home, and in the morning went back to work again......sleepy and happy
whoooh! It was a long post;p

1 comment:

Natalia Antalia :) said...

Ех, гарнi часи були...