Wednesday, August 29, 2007

can`t say goodbay

This Monday we had Jirkas bay party. I had very strange feelings, coz i was sad that he leaves, but happy that i had opportunity to know him and made friendship with him. Jirka is my favorite crazy Czech! He is a person who has a lot of bad habits, but at the same time he is sensitive and funny and friendly and I know that he really cares about ppl, even that sometimes he wonts to show that he does not. He drinks to much, he smokes to much, but he is grate person anyway;))). So, that`s about him.
It was really different evening, when i really strongly felt how close we are now (6 of us - my lovely crew ;)) and that we share many things, and how easy it is for all of us to chat about everything in the world, to laugh, to be crazy, to have our secrets, to have a feeling like we all are friends from the childhood. If you look at us - we are all extremely different, we are all from different cultures and religions, we live in different political systems, but we can understand each other so perfectly! It is possible now matter what, and nothing maters exept what person is inside.

We said goodbay to each other, i sayd smth like "Jirka i will see you again, somewhere in the world, it looks so big, but happens it is small like a village, so who knows..." Yesterday I came back after work, and Natalia met me, and the first what she screams was "Did you hear??? Jirka missed his plane!!! He stayes till Thursday!" So in the evening we sow him again, so we really met again in this big world;)) I think Jirka now has really opposite feelings - he is happy that he stayed, even if it is only for two more days, and he is confused, coz when you in the mood to leave and you already sayed goodbay to your friends, and you already turned over this page of your lifebook, but now he stocked at the edge of this page...

I am gonna leave next Thursday. This is the end of the taile calls "Turkey summer", Now i am extreamly thankfull to aiesec for this opportunity...
I am happy person)


Natalia Antalia :) said...

Читала твiй пост i ледь не плакала... бляха, не може все так взяти i закiнчитись... наступного лiта маэ бути продовження, лиш краiну тре вибрати: Чехiя, Штати, Тунiс чи Казахстан? Чи мо в Украiны якийсь проектик забабахати для former Ankara interns ;)))

Kiyaha said...

угу, забабахайте!))) давайте на родіну, а то вам там задобре!!))

Ushastik said...

ta vge jıdy na rodıny 6 veresnya!
sky4ula za toboy dyge, taksho gotyjsa jtu zi mnoy na pivko:)

A she raz zystritus des v sviti dyge ho4etca...ale 4u tak stanetca?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Next to gene of the herself payment the pre-eminent duration it is deciphered in Russia. On it have officially informed in the Russian meet of realm « ???????????? organize » where this complex labour recently has been completed.
As follows, in Russia the eighth is made all in the world full decoding ??????. Thus Russians include achieved culminate own forces and all for half a year. « It is deciphered Russian of the squire shining on a gene, – the fountain-head ????????? has told directions in academician Konstantin Skryabin. – after genetic portraits of the American, hold been certain, the african, the European and representatives of some other nationalities, age there was an opportunity to correspond to them Russian a gene ».
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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Доброй ночи!

Прошу прощения, что не в правильном разделе тему запостил...
Кто знает, где можно приобрести красивые номера? Особо ищу мобильные номера Билайн, Megafon и МТС.
Конечно, как вариант, эти номера можно посмотреть в офисах самих сотовых операторов. Но ведь, наверняка, есть множество других мест, где можно приобрести элитные номера мобильных.

Буду очень благодарен за помощь.

Anonymous said...

Мне нравятся Ваши посты, заставляет задуматься)

Anonymous said...

Немного медленно грузится сайт, может потому что я из израиля Но главное что не зря ждал, интересно.

Anonymous said...

А я считаю, что все это верно и очень точно подмечено! И таких мелочей можно накопать тысячу.

Anonymous said...

Занимательно, жду следующего поста!

Anonymous said...

Чётко подмечено!

Anonymous said...

Да тут и добавить то нечего, спасибо всё толково.

Anonymous said...

Огромное спасибо за инфу. Автору респект и уважуха.

Anonymous said...

Ничего нового, но всё равно порадовало.

Anonymous said...

Спасибо. Прочитал с интересом. Блог в избранное занес=)

Anonymous said...

нет, не всегда. но в этом случае, да.

Anonymous said...

Добрый день!
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Anonymous said...

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aнекдот для разнообразия :)

Трхаются двое в автотмобиле. Подходит ГАИшник. Смотрит - девочка чть надо. . .
- О, мужик, я слеедуюдщий!
- Ладно, - усмехеатся тот, - даво я ментов не #бал. . .

Я 8 часов блждаал по сети, пока не вышела на ваш фьрум! Думаю, я здесьь останусь надолго!
прошу ппощеиня за оепчаттки....очень маленькаяя калваитура у PDA!


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